Incomplete Report

πŸŒ“ Someone hasn't completed the transaction? Find out where they stopped!

The incomplete report contains incomplete verification statistics; it gives insight into what screen the users left at, where the transaction timed out, what screen this occurred on, etc.

Follow the steps below to access incomplete transaction statistics.

  1. Click on the Reports module.
  1. You will see the Incomplete verifications report page, as shown in the image below.


Search Filter

Using the date filter, you can search for incomplete transaction statistics within a specified period.

  1. Choose the start date from the From date field.
  1. Choose the end date from the To date field.

πŸ‘ The report will show the statistics based on the selected period. Check the illustration below:

Incomplete Verifications Overview

  • Total Incomplete: The number of incomplete verifications within the given search filter range (verifications in progress are not included).
  • Total Completed: The total number of completed verifications.
  • Percentage not completed: The percentage of the unfinished verifications [(Total Incomplete) βž— (Total Completed βž• Total Incomplete )].
  • Total Still Pending: All awaiting verifications.

Incomplete Verifications Breakdown

The report consists of 3 main sections:

1. Incomplete Type Breakdown

This section contains details of the reasons why the verifications are incomplete. See the details in the table below.

Ignored (expired)Verification is incomplete because the user ignored the verification link.
Timed out (expired)Verification is incomplete because the user ran out of time at a certain stage.
Exited during flow (cancelled)Verification is incomplete because the user has dropped out at a certain stage.
TotalThe total number and percentage of incomplete verifications.

2. Timed Out Breakdown

This section contains details of the total number of timed-out transactions, at which screen the transaction timed out, how many times it timed out at that particular screen, and the respective percentages. See the details in the table below.

Terms and ConditionsThe user runs out of time on the T&C screen.
Overview ScreenThe user runs out of time on the overview screen.
ID SelectionThe user runs out of time on the ID selection screen.
ID Data ReviewThe user runs out of time while reviewing the ID data.
Additional InfoThe user runs out of time on the additional info screen.
Liveness CompleteThe user runs out of time while doing the liveness attempt.
TotalThe total number and percentage of incomplete verifications

3. Exited Breakdown

This section contains summary data of the verification stages where the users dropped off. See the details in the table below.

Terms and ConditionsThe user drops off at the T&C screen.
Overview ScreenThe user drops off at the overview screen.
ID SelectionThe user drops off at the ID selecting stage.
ID Data ReviewThe user drops off at the ID data review stage.
Additional InfoThe user drops off at the additional info screen.
Liveness CompleteThe user drops off at the liveness attempt stage.
TotalThe total number and percentage of incomplete verifications.

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