👤 The user information from the submitted ID document.

1. ID Details

user_details will be defined in a JSON object with the following structure:

    "document_type": "string",
    "geolocation": "string",
    "first_name": "string",
    "last_name": "string",
    "middle_name": "string",
    "date_of_birth": "string",
    "date_of_expiry": "string",
    "id_number": "string",
    "document_number": "string",
    "licence_version": "string",
    "card_access_number": "string",
    "address": "<AddressDetails>",
    "country_code": "string",
    "edited_fields": "array",
    "licence_number": "string",
    "passport_number": "string",
    "documentIndex": "integer"

The details are depicted as follows:



There will be various responses depending on user activity. There are two categories:

  • Mandatory: means the field and its value will always be returned, even with null values.
  • Optional: means the field would not exist in some cases. I.e., the transaction is not completed yet. Thus, some fields are missing.
FieldsData TypeMandatory/OptionalDescriptionPossible Responses
document_typestringMandatoryDocument type.

If "document_type" is “Passport", then use "document_number" as the primary ID number.

For all other documents, except passport, use id_number as the primary ID number.
It will always be present.
geolocationstringMandatoryGeolocation which is retrieved under user's agreement.- The field will not exist, if the user declines location capture on his phone.

- If the user didn't let the transaction track his location, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
first_namestringMandatoryUser's first name.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
last_namestringMandatoryUser's last name.It will always be present.
middle_namestringMandatoryUser's middle name.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
date_of_birthstringMandatoryDate of birth.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
date_of_expirystringMandatoryDate of expiry.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
id_numberstringMandatoryDocument ID number.

If "document_type" is “Passport", then use "document_number" as the primary ID number.

For all other documents, except passport, use id_number as the primary ID number.
- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
document_numberstringMandatoryDocument number.

If "document_type" is “Passport" then use "document_number" as the primary ID number.

For all other documents, except passport, use id_number as the primary ID number.
- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
license_versionstringMandatoryDriver License version.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
card_access_numberstringMandatoryCard Access Number.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
addressobjectMandatoryUser's address details.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
country_codestringMandatoryISO Alpha-3 country code.It will always be present.
edited_fieldsarrayMandatoryArray of field names that are edited by user.- If there are no edited fields, the array will be empty.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
licence_numberstringMandatoryDeprecated & Legacy- If the data has been redacted, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
passport_numberstringMandatoryDeprecated & Legacy- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will always be present.
documentIndexintegerMandatory0-based document index.Reserved for 0 at the moment.

A sample of the user_details object is as follows:

"user_details": {
    "country_code": "AUS",
    "id_number": 123456789,
    "document_number": 123456789,
    "address": {
      "street_address": "FakeData",
      "country": "AUS",
      "post_code": 9999,
      "was_validated": true,
      "suburb": "FakeData",
      "full_address": "FakeData",
      "state": "FakeData",
      "street_address_2": "FakeData"
    "date_of_expiry": "2030-12-31",
    "date_of_birth": "1980-01-01",
    "last_name": "FakeData",
    "middle_name": "FakeData",
    "first_name": "FakeData",
    "document_type": "Driver Licence",
    "licence_number": 123456789

ID Field Examples

The examples of each supporting document are given below.

- Driver License

"user_details": {
       "address": {
           "country": "AUS",
           "full_address": "Australian Rugby League 22-24 King St SYDNEY NSW 2222",
           "post_code": "2222",
           "state": "NSW",
           "street_address": "Australian Rugby League",
           "street_address_2": "22-24 King St",
           "street_address_3": "",
           "suburb": "SYDNEY",
           "was_validated": true
       "card_access_number": null,
       "country_code": "AUS",
       "date_of_birth": "1990-10-02",
       "date_of_expiry": "2026-11-11",
       "document_number": "2040333333",
       "document_type": "Driver Licence",
       "edited_fields": [],
       "empty_fields": null,
       "first_name": "George",
       "id_number": "45333O",
       "last_name": "Citizen",
       "licence_number": "45333O",
       "licence_version": null,
       "middle_name": null

- Passport

"user_details": {
       "address": {
           "country": "AUS",
           "full_address": "Hillside 1111 Brown Bear Way COOLAH NSW 2222",
           "post_code": "2222",
           "state": "NSW",
           "street_address": "Hillside",
           "street_address_2": "1111 Black Stump Way",
           "street_address_3": "",
           "suburb": "COOLAH",
           "was_validated": true
       "card_access_number": null,
       "country_code": "AUS",
       "date_of_birth": "1982-06-06",
       "date_of_expiry": "2026-09-24",
       "document_number": "PA8222228",
       "document_type": "Passport",
       "edited_fields": [
       "first_name": "Paul",
       "id_number": "74543333G",
       "last_name": "Bearson",
       "middle_name": "Jon",
       "passport_number": "PA2323232"

- Proof of Age

"user_details": {
        "address": {
            "country": "AUS",
            "full_address": "14 Bear Cres SEAFORD NSW 2222",
            "post_code": "2222",
            "state": "VIC",
            "street_address": "14 Bear Cres",
            "street_address_2": "",
            "street_address_3": "",
            "suburb": "SEAFORD",
            "was_validated": true
        "card_access_number": null,
        "country_code": "AUS",
        "date_of_birth": "1978-06-22",
        "date_of_expiry": null,
        "document_number": null,
        "document_type": "ID Card",
        "edited_fields": [],
        "empty_fields": null,
        "first_name": "Scott",
        "id_number": "6122222",
        "last_name": "Bearson",
        "licence_number": null,
        "licence_version": null,
        "middle_name": "A",
        "passport_number": null

- Immicard

"user_details": {
        "address": {
            "country": "AUS",
            "full_address": "Hillside 1111 Brown Bear Way COOLAH NSW 2222",
            "post_code": "2222",
            "state": "NSW",
            "street_address": "Hillside",
            "street_address_2": "1111 Brown Bear Way",
            "street_address_3": "",
            "suburb": "COOLAH",
            "was_validated": true
        "card_access_number": null,
        "country_code": "AUS",
        "date_of_birth": "1988-09-07",
        "date_of_expiry": "2065-32-17",
        "document_number": null,
        "document_type": "Immigration Card",
        "edited_fields": [
        "empty_fields": null,
        "first_name": "John",
        "id_number": "AMS345454",
        "last_name": "Bear",
        "licence_number": null,
        "licence_version": null,
        "middle_name": "Sebastian",
        "passport_number": null

2. Address Details

AddressDetails object represents detailed address components, which can have various results according to the country_code.

AddressDetail will be defined as a JSON object with the following structure:

    "full_address": "string",
    "country": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "province": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "suburb": "string",
    "locality": "string",
    "municipality": "string",
    "county": "string",
    "town": "string",
    "street_address": "string",
    "street_address_2": "string",
    "street_address_3": "string",
    "post_code": "string",
    "was_validated": "boolean"

The details are described as follows:



There will be various responses depending on user activity. There are two categories:

  • Mandatory: means the field and its value will always be returned, even with null values.
  • Optional: means the field would not exist in some cases. I.e., the transaction is not completed yet. Thus, some fields are missing.
FieldsData TypeMandatory/OptionalDescriptionPossible Result
full_addressstringMandatoryThe full address of the user, including all address components.It will be present
countrystringMandatoryThe ISO Alpha-3 country code where the user lives.It will be present.
statestringMandatoryThe state where the user lives.It will be present for AUS, USA, and other countries; except: GBR, CAN, and FRA.
provincestringMandatoryThe province where the user lives.It will be present for FRA and CAN only.
citystringMandatoryThe city where the user lives.It will be present for USA, NZL, FRA only.
suburbstringMandatoryThe suburb of the province where the user lives.It will be present for AUS, NZL only.
localitystringMandatoryThe locality of the user's address.It will be present for non GBR, USA, CAN, AUS, NZL, FRA countries.
municipalitystringMandatoryThe municipality of the user's address.It will be present for CAN only.
countystringMandatoryThe county of the user's address.It will be present for GBR only.
townstringMandatoryThe town of the user's address.It will be present for GBR only.
street_addressstringMandatoryRepresents the street address.It will be present.
street_address_2stringMandatoryRepresents an alternative address of the user.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will be present.
street_address_3stringMandatoryRepresents an alternative address of the user.- If the data doesn't exist, the result will be invalid with null.

- Otherwise, it will be present.
post_codestringMandatoryThe postal code where user lives.It will be present.
was_validatedbooleanMandatoryThe confirmation result of the user's address.- true if address was validated on the backend side.

- Otherwise, false.

Below is a sample response of the address object:

"address": {
      "street_address": "FakeData",
      "country": "AUS",
      "post_code": 9999,
      "was_validated": true,
      "suburb": "FakeData",
      "full_address": "FakeData",
      "state": "FakeData",
      "street_address_2": "FakeData"

Address Field Examples

The following response shows the address fields based on various ID issuer countries.

- Australia (AUS)

"address": {
      "country": "AUS",
      "full_address": "Australian Rugby League 72-80 Elizabeth St SYDNEY NSW 2000",
      "post_code": "2000",
      "state": "NSW",
      "street_address": "Australian Rugby League",
      "street_address_2": "72-80 Elizabeth St",
      "street_address_3": "",
      "suburb": "SYDNEY",
      "was_validated": true

- United Kingdom (UK)

"address": {
      "country": "GBR",
      "full_address": "Wokingham Borough Council Hillside Shute End WOKINGHAM RG40 9SP",
      "post_code": "RG40 9SP",
      "state": " ",
      "street_address": "Wokingham Borough Council",
      "street_address_2": "Hillside",
      "street_address_3": "Shute End",
      "city": "WOKINGHAM",
      "was_validated": true

- United States of America (USA)

"address": {
     "country": "USA",
     "full_address": "Chelsea 510 101 West 15th Street New York, NY 10011",
     "post_code": "10011",
     "street_address": "101 West 15th Street",
     "street_address_2": "Chelsea 510",
     "street_address_3": "",
     "city": "New York",
     "state": "NY",  
     "was_validated": true

- New Zealand (NZ)

"address": {
     "city": "CHRISTCHURCH",
     "country": "NZL",
     "full_address": "1 Port Hills Road Heathcote Valley CHRISTCHURCH 8022",
     "post_code": "8022",
     "street_address": "1 Port Hills Road",
     "street_address_2": "",
     "street_address_3": "",
     "suburb": "Heathcote Valley",
     "was_validated": true

- Canada (CA)

"address": {
      "country": "CA",
      "full_address": "1 Hill St Hillsburgh ON N0B 1Z0",
      "post_code": "N0B 1Z0",
      "state": "ON",
      "street_address": "1 Hill St",
      "street_address_2": "",
      "street_address_3": "",
      "suburb": "Hillsburgh",
      "was_validated": true

- France (FRA)

"address": {
      "country": "FRA",
      "full_address": "RESIDENCE GREEN GARDEN 77310 ST FARGEAU PONTHIERRY Seine-et-Marne 77310",
      "post_code": "77310",
      "state": "Seine-et-Marne",
      "street_address": "RESIDENCE GREEN GARDEN",
      "street_address_2": "77310",
      "street_address_3": "",
      "city": "ST FARGEAU PONTHIERRY",
      "was_validated": true

- All other countries, eg Germany (DEU)

"address": {
      "country": "DEU",
      "full_address": "Hillstett 1 Rötz Bayern",
      "post_code": "92444",
      "state": "Bayern",
      "street_address": "Hillstett 1",
      "street_address_2": "",
      "street_address_3": "",
      "city": "Rötz",
      "was_validated": true



A country can have some essential unique fields, i.e., USA and FRA have city and state, NZ has city and suburb and AUS has only suburb.

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