🔧 Here's where you can learn how to set up Webhook.
You must set up the webhooks before creating a transaction. These are the steps you need to follow to set up the webhooks:
Step 1: Obtain the Access Token
You will require an access token to create a transaction. Please refer to this page for a tutorial.
An access token is only valid for 60 minutes. After passing the time limit, you have to renew the token.
Step 2: Create a Transaction
Please refer to this page to see how you can create a transaction. You will find the notifications
object in the request body:
"notifications": {
"complete": [
"type": "https",
"url": "https://example.com/auth",
"auth_header_name": "Authorization",
"auth_header_value": "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
The url
and the type
in the body above are mandatory fields for setting up webhooks. The auth_header_name
and auth_header_value
are optional fields.
The example below is for if you’re using a Webhook website.
Replace the URL in the request body with your webhook URL.
The 200 - Success response will look like this:
"transaction_id": "01FX6X3YH457RNDE0G2WMBGLOE",
"url": "https://testclienta.au.idkit.com/01G2V66BSXZT08ZAES5N9FP3VM",
"expires_at": "2022-05-19T03:49:55.111Z"
See the example below:
Step 3: IDKit ID Verification Flow
The user can start the verification process by going to the transaction URL provided in the response body.
The link can only be accessed on a mobile device.
Step 4: Complete the Transaction
Once the user has completed the transaction, Webhook will populate the request and the current transaction status.
The webhook call is a POST request with a body. The body is in the form format.
Upon the completion of a transaction, the webhook will generate the raw content of 2 parameters: status
and transaction_id
Raw Content Example
cURL Example
The parameters sequence is not fixed yet.
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