💡 Get to know how you can make an API call here!


Once you have an access token, you can make API calls via the available endpoints.

Create a Transaction

Below is a request example to create a transaction using the POST- Create a Transaction endpoint:

curl --request POST \
     --url https://penateam.api.au.idkit.com/v1/transactions \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "name": "MyTest",
     "reference": "Demo",
     "flow_type": "NORMAL2",
     "phone_region_code": "61",
     "phone_number": "00000000",
     "redirect_url_success": "https://google.com/?success",
     "redirect_url_exit": "https://google.com/?exit",
     "notifications": {
          "complete": [
                    "type": "https",
                    "url": "https://example.com/auth",
                    "auth_header_name": "Authorization",
                    "auth_header_value": "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="



For a detailed description of the request parameters, visit the POST- Create a Transaction endpoint.

Here's what a successful JSON response should look like:

    "transaction_id": "01FX6X3YH457RNDE0G2WMBGLOE",
    "url": "https://example-idkit.com/01G6QFCSPTGJT8KQTZBRX1QWYC",
    "expires_at": "2022-07-06T10:16:31.993Z"

Fetch a Transaction

You can get the results either in the form of a JSON body or a PDF. When making a request, all the parameters are appended to the URL. For the description of the required parameters, refer to the table below:

Request ParametersDescription
transaction_idTransaction ID retrieved by POST- Create a Transaction endpoint.
formatThe response format. Either json or pdf. The response payload will be different accordingly.

Fetch a Transaction - JSON

Once the user has finished the transaction, you can retrieve the result as a JSON body by using the GET- Fetch a Transaction endpoint.

To retrieve the result in JSON, the following request needs to be made:

curl --request GET \
     --url https://domain.api.au.idkit.com/v1/transactions/01ERZZN650QZM9N7C20E4G8760/json \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

An example of a successful response is as follows:

  "current_step": "SUBMITTED",
  "user_details": {
    "country_code": "AUS",
    "id_number": 123456789,
    "document_number": 123456789,
    "address": {
      "street_address": "FakeData",
      "country": "AUS",
      "post_code": 9999,
      "was_validated": true,
      "suburb": "FakeData",
      "full_address": "FakeData",
      "state": "FakeData",
      "street_address_2": "FakeData"
    "date_of_expiry": "2030-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
    "date_of_birth": "1980-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "last_name": "FakeData",
    "middle_name": "FakeData",
    "first_name": "FakeData",
    "document_type": "Driver Licence",
    "licence_number": 123456789
  "status": "COMPLETE",
  "created_by": "API",
  "transaction_id": "01FX6X3YH457RNDE0G2WMBGLOE",
  "closed_at": "2022-03-03T03:30:41.095Z",
  "spoof_result": "Low Risk",
  "name": "MyTest",
  "reference": "Demo",
  "documents": [
      "created_at": "2022-03-03T03:29:18.595Z",
      "document_id": "2e20ccc18094d7f8760a6c76dc33fdb1",
      "extracted": {
        "country": "Australia",
        "id_number": 123456789,
        "address": "FakeData",
        "document_number": 3333333333,
        "city": "FakeData",
        "expiry_date": "31/12/2030",
        "birth_date": "01/01/1980",
        "last_name": "FakeData",
        "given_names": "FakeData",
        "middle_name": "FakeData",
        "country_code": "AUS",
        "full_name": "FakeData",
        "street": "FakeData",
        "post_code": 9999,
        "state": "FakeData",
        "class": "C",
        "first_name": "FakeData",
        "document_type": "Driver Licence"
      "asf_breakdown": {
        "document_integrity": "PASSED",
        "image_composition": "FLAGGED",
        "photo_check": "PASSED",
        "detail_check": "PASSED"
      "identity_document_type": "AUS_NSW_DRIVERLICENCE",
      "updated_at": "2022-03-03T03:29:18.595Z",
      "ocr": true,
      "face_photo": {
        "url": "https://fakedomain.url",
        "size": 7392,
        "content_type": "image/jpeg"
      "front_document": {
        "url": "https://fakedomain.url",
        "size": 70064,
        "content_type": "image/jpeg"
      "original_front_document": {
        "url": "https://fakedomain.url",
        "size": 100400,
        "content_type": "image/jpeg"
      "signature_photo": {
        "url": "https://fakedomain.url",
        "size": 23056,
        "content_type": "image/jpeg"
  "likeness_overall": "Fail",
  "results": {
    "liveness": "PASSED",
    "overall": "FLAGGED",
    "data": "PASSED",
    "documents": "FLAGGED",
    "facematch": "FLAGGED"
  "invitation_phone_region_code": 61,
  "data_provider": {
      "overall": "FAILED",
      "data": {
        "rapidID": "<check-id>",
        "VerifyDocumentResult": {
          "attributes": {
            "i:type": "DriverLicenceResponse"
          "VerificationResultCode": "N",
          "OriginatingAgencyCode": "XXXX",
          "VerificationRequestNumber": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"
        "fieldDetails": {
          "BirthYear": "No Match",
          "BirthMonth": "No Match",
          "FamilyName": "No Match",
          "LicenceNumber": "No Match",
          "GivenName": "No Match",
          "BirthDay": "No Match",
          "StateOfIssue": "No Match",
          "ImmiCardNumber": "No Match",
          "MiddleName": "No Match",
          "ExpiryDay": "No Match",
          "RegistrationState": "No Match",
          "CardType": "No Match",
          "CountryOfIssue": "No Match",
          "BirthDate": "No Match"
      "message": "OK",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "xml": false
    "GREEN_ID": {
      "data": {
        "individualResults": {
          "background": [],
          "dvs": [
              "components": {
                "dob": "PASS",
                "firstName": "PASS",
                "id": "PASS",
                "surName": "PASS"
              "label": "DVS - NSW Driver Licence",
              "result": "PASS"
          "watchlist": {
            "ERROR": [],
            "FOUND_ON_LIST": [],
            "NOT_FOUND_ON_LIST": [
              "Politically Exposed Persons Watchlist",
              "Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Watchlist",
              "US, Dept of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control - Specially Designated Nationals List",
              "US, Dept of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control - Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) List",
              "Consolidated list of persons subject to EU financial sanctions",
              "UK, HM Treasury - Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets in the UK",
              "UK - Members of Parliament",
              "New Zealand - Members of Parliament",
              "Cyprus - Members of Parliament",
              "Russia - Deputies of the State Duma",
              "US, Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Most Wanted Fugitives List",
              "US, System for Award Management - Exclusions List",
              "INTERPOL - Wanted Persons List"
        "overall": "VERIFIED",
        "registrationDetails": [
            "label": "Data Provider",
            "value": "Illion / GreenID"
            "label": "Time & Date",
            "value": "2020-07-16T13:29:23.485+1000"
            "label": "Reference",
            "value": "1EwoGOGzO"
            "label": "Rule ID",
            "value": "default"
      "encrypted_xml": "example/01ERZZN650QZM9N7C20E4G8760/encrypted-green-id-response.xml.enc",
      "message": "OK",
      "version": "1.0.0"
    "ID_MATRIX": {
      "data": {
        "fraudAssessment": {
          "dataSource": [
              "name": "Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Verification",
              "result": "PASS",
              "score": "100.0",
              "threshold": "50.0",
              "weight": "0.25"
              "name": "Velocity Verification",
              "result": "PASS",
              "score": "100.0",
              "threshold": "50.0",
              "weight": "0.25"
              "name": "FraudCheck Shared Fraud Database",
              "result": "PASS",
              "score": "100.0",
              "threshold": "50.0",
              "weight": "0.25"
              "name": "Sanctions Check",
              "result": "PASS",
              "score": "100.0",
              "threshold": "50.0",
              "weight": "0.25"
          "overall": [
              "name": "Overall Result",
              "value": "PASS"
              "name": "Overall Fraud Score",
              "value": "100/100"
              "name": "Overall Threshold",
              "value": "50.0"
        "overall": "ACCEPT",
        "searchResults": {
          "overall": "ACCEPT",
          "rulesResults": [
              "name": "Overall Decision",
              "value": "ACCEPT"
              "name": "Overall Points",
              "value": "119.0"
              "name": "IDMatrix Minimum Requirements Verification",
              "value": "MATCH"
              "name": "IDMatrix Safe Harbour Verification",
              "value": "MATCH"
          "searchResults": {
            "fraudassessment": [
                "components": {
                  "address": "NO MATCH",
                  "dob": "NO MATCH",
                  "fraud": "NO MATCH",
                  "full_name": "NO MATCH",
                  "id": "NO MATCH",
                  "name": "NO MATCH"
                "name": "Velocity (v1.0)",
                "points": "0",
                "results": 0,
                "searchName": "VEDA-EVVELOCITY-0026",
                "value": "NO MATCH"
                "components": {
                  "address": "NO MATCH",
                  "dob": "NO MATCH",
                  "fraud": "NO MATCH",
                  "full_name": "NO MATCH",
                  "id": "NO MATCH",
                  "name": "NO MATCH"
                "name": "GlobalScreening - PEPs (Domestic) (v1.0)",
                "points": "0",
                "results": 0,
                "searchName": "ACC-PEPS-0048",
                "value": "NO MATCH"
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                  "dob": "NO MATCH",
                  "fraud": "NO MATCH",
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                  "name": "NO MATCH"
                "name": "GlobalScreening - Sanctions (International) (v2.0)",
                "points": "0",
                "results": 0,
                "searchName": "ACC-COMPLINK-0021",
                "value": "NO MATCH"
                "components": {
                  "address": "NO MATCH",
                  "dob": "NO MATCH",
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                  "full_name": "NO MATCH",
                  "id": "NO MATCH",
                  "name": "NO MATCH"
                "name": "Fraud Lookup - Address (v1.0)",
                "points": "0",
                "results": "0",
                "searchName": "VEDA-SFDADDR-0023",
                "value": "NO MATCH"
            "verification": [
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                  "address": "PASS",
                  "dob": "PASS",
                  "fraud": "PASS",
                  "full_name": "PASS",
                  "id": "PASS",
                  "name": "PASS"
                "name": "Credit Bureau Consumer (v3.0)",
                "points": "59",
                "results": "98",
                "searchName": "VEDA-CBCONS-0050",
                "value": "PASS"
                "components": {
                  "address": "PASS",
                  "dob": "PASS",
                  "fraud": "PASS",
                  "full_name": "PASS",
                  "id": "PASS",
                  "name": "PASS"
                "name": "Credit Bureau Consumer (v3.2)",
                "points": "0",
                "results": "100",
                "searchName": "VEDA-CBCONS-0066",
                "value": "PASS"
                "components": {
                  "address": "PASS",
                  "dob": "PASS",
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                  "id": "PASS",
                  "name": "PASS"
                "name": "Australian Electoral Roll (v3.0)",
                "points": "60",
                "results": "100",
                "searchName": "AEC-ER-0049",
                "value": "PASS"
          "verificationOutcome": {
            "indicator": "ACCEPT",
            "totalPoints": "119"
        "summary": [
            "name": "Reference",
            "value": "200822-98BE2-ADFA9"
            "name": "Profile Name",
            "value": "KYC-TEST_PROFILE_GEE-Service1"
            "name": "Profile Version",
            "value": "1"
      "encrypted_xml": "example/01ERZZN650QZM9N7C20E4G8760/encrypted-id-matrix-response.xml.enc",
      "message": "OK",
      "version": "1.0.0"
  "device_info": {
    "browser": "Chrome 98.0.4758.101",
    "country": "Japan",
    "geolocation": "41.7531013,123.353001",
    "ip": "",
    "ip_location": "35.6164,139.7425",
    "isp": "M247 Ltd",
    "os": "Android 12",
    "vpn": true
  "created_at": "2022-03-03T03:28:00.788Z",
  "flow_type": "NORMAL2",
  "liveness_attempts": [
      "result": false,
      "session_id": "FakeData",
      "actions": "SMILE LEFT",
      "video": {
        "url": "https://fakedomain.url",
        "size": 150688,
        "content_type": "video/webm"
  "activated_at": "2022-03-03T03:28:33.163Z",
  "computed_statistics": {
    "steps": [
        "name": "PRIVACY",
        "start_time": "2022-03-03T03:28:34.607Z",
        "total_duration_seconds": 55
        "name": "ID_INFORMATION",
        "start_time": "2022-03-03T03:29:30.127Z",
        "total_duration_seconds": 22
        "name": "FACE_MATCH_CAPTURE",
        "start_time": "2022-03-03T03:29:52.654Z",
        "total_duration_seconds": 28
        "name": "SUBMITTED",
        "start_time": "2022-03-03T03:30:21.226Z",
        "total_duration_seconds": 0
    "total_duration_seconds": 105,
    "total_duration_excl_privacy_seconds": 50
  "invitation_phone_number": 0,
  "likeness_features": {
    "right_eye": "Fail",
    "nose": "Fail",
    "philtrum": "Pass",
    "jaw": "Fail",
    "middle_forehead": "Fail",
    "mouth": "Fail",
    "left_eye": "Fail",
    "forehead": "Fail",
    "left_cheek": "Fail",
    "right_brow": "Fail",
    "left_brow": "Fail",
    "right_cheek": "Fail"
  "facematch_best_frame": {
    "url": "https://fakedomain.url",
    "size": 24432
  "pdf_report_number": "01FX6X3Y8M7FRNDE0G2WMRKPFQ"



See the breakdown of the transaction result here.

Fetch a Transaction - PDF

Once the user has finished the transaction, you can retrieve the result as a PDF report by using the GET- Fetch a Transaction endpoint.

To retrieve the result in PDF, the following request needs to be made:

curl --request GET \
     --url https://domain.api.au.idkit.com/v1/transactions/01ERZZN650QZM9N7C20E4G8760/pdf \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

If the result is successful, you will have a report as shown in the image below:



See the breakdown of the PDF report here.

💬 We Are Here to Help!

If you encounter an issue, a bug, or require assistance, please contact our support page here to find the solution. Don't forget to provide any important information on the issue.