⏬ A breakdown of the transaction results.

The report of a completed transaction will contain a results object. The results object consists of verification check parameters: overall, liveness, data, documents, and facematch. Each check will have two possible statuses, FLAGGED or PASSED.

"results": {
    "overall": "FLAGGED",
    "liveness": "FLAGGED",
    "data": "FLAGGED",
    "documents": "PASSED",
    "facematch": "FLAGGED"



Only completed transaction results should be considered when evaluating the overall results.

Understanding the Results and the Breakdown

List of ChecksStatusInterpretation
overallPASSEDThe user has passed all checks, including document fraud analysis, face matching between their face and ID document, the liveness check, and, where applicable, the check from a third-party data provider.
overallFLAGGEDThe user has not passed all the results, analyze the breakdown of the results more carefully.



If the overall result = PASSED, it means that the other breakdown checks also passed.

If the overall result = FLAGGED, try to analyse the breakdown of the results:

List of ChecksStatusInterpretation
livenessFLAGGEDManually check the video for suspicious activity.
dataFLAGGEDTry to check that the data confirmed by the user matches what is on the identity document. If incorrect, we recommend users to try again using the correct data.
documentsFLAGGEDDo check the reason and then the document image. If DFA on the second document is enabled, this will flag even if just one of the documents asf_document_result: “FLAGGED”.
facematchFLAGGEDTry to manually check both images and see if they match, keeping in mind our result.

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